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Siurbti Namo antivrus / Microsoft Windows(Windows XP and later) (2014) antivirusine


Siurbti NamoAV.exe.torrent Atsisiųsti suarchyvuotą į gzip

Skyrius: Programos AK
Dydis: 78.24 MB (82,037,792 baitai)
Įkeltas: 2021-11-27 15:43
Atsisiuntė: 0 (0 dalina, 0 siurbia = 0 susijungę)
  • Įvertinimas - 0, balsavo 1 (reikalingi bent 1 balsai)
Jau balsavai

Namo antivrus

Žanras: antivirusine
Metai: 2014
Operacinė sistema: Microsoft Windows(Windows XP and later)

Developer: Innovazion
Kalba: EN

Programos puslapis

Aprašymas: Namo AV or Namo Antivirus is a free antivirus software solution developed by the Indian firm Innovazion.[1] The company was formed in 2007. The product bears the name of current Prime Minister of India i.e. Narendra Modi or Namo, the popular short name of Prime Minister.[2] The product exploits the popularity and brand power of the prime minister. The product was launched as free antivirus software, where free means gratis, not libre.[3] Soon, it is to be expanded to provide more updated versions and extensions of the software.[4]

Abhishek Gagneja, who is CEO of the company, has said “India is the third largest country globally in terms of Internet users. However, statistics show that only 13 per cent are using valid license of antivirus software and 30 per cent tend to re-install trial versions of same or other antivirus software”. He further added that he has created the software just to congratulate the PM being victorious in Indian Lok Sabha Elections of 2014, and will be providing the antivirus software to Indian People for Free. The software is currently for windows based personal computers, But planning to open for other operating systems too, in future. The product is lined up after many other products named after the prime minister of India, that are Narendra Modi mobile and app.[5]
Pastabos: Instaliuoti ir naudoti

Reikalavimai sistemai: Microsoft Windows(Windows XP and later)

Diskusija forume:
Info hash 0c67b7f1abed4c8ca6bfa413ebb076d67cfb71cd
Skyrius Programos AK
Aktyvumas Paskutinį kartą buvo dalinamas prieš 3119d 02:31:20 (2015-11-05 11:51)
Dydis 78.24 MB (82,037,792 baitai)
Įkeltas 2021-11-27 15:43
Žiūrėjo 9190
Pasiėmė 1667
Nuorodos į šį torentą
Tiesioginė nuoroda
Nėra žymių

darius25  0
KomentarasParašyta 2015-11-09 13:16

Įvertink: 0

parasykite kaip ji veikia? ar verta siustis?
FanasLT  0
KomentarasParašyta 2015-11-11 22:32

Įvertink: 0

darius25 Posted:
parasykite kaip ji veikia? ar verta siustis?
Naudoju ir priekaištu neturiu.

Taisė FanasLT 2015-11-11 22:33

Raaban  0
KomentarasParašyta 2016-10-23 19:22

Įvertink: 0

zmones avg nera geriau cia tai kazkokia nesamone pirma karta tokia matau sss :-D



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