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Siurbti Rust


Siurbti RustClient_v19.12.2013.torrent Atsisiųsti suarchyvuotą į gzip

Skyrius: Žaidimai AK
Dydis: 973.99 MB (1,021,304,004 baitai)
Įkeltas: 2021-11-27 15:43
Atsisiuntė: 776 (0 dalina, 0 siurbia = 0 susijungę)
  • Įvertinimas - 4, balsavo 7 (reikalingi bent 1 balsai)
Jau balsavai

Rust is a survival game created by Facepunch Studios. Inspired by games like DayZ, Minecraft and Stalker – Rust aims to create a hostile environment in which emergent gameplay can flourish.

The aim of the game is to survive. To do this the player should gather resources. Hitting a tree with a rock will give you wood, hitting a rock with a rock will give you rock and ore. You can then craft a hatchet from the wood and rock, allowing you to gather faster. You can go out and hunt a variety of wildlife such as boars, chickens, rabbits, bears, wolves and deer. Once you have killed an animal you can butcher it to gather its meat and skin. You can craft a fire using wood and cook the meat inside the fire. Then you can eat.

You face two major dangers in game.

Rust is a multiplayer game, so there will be other players trying to survive in the same way that you are. Unfortunately for you they can find you, kill you and take your stuff. Fortunately for you – you can kill them and take their stuff. Or maybe you can make friends and help each other survive. Rust’s world is harsh – so you might need to make friends to survive.

The environment is not kind. Bears and wolves will chase and kill you. Falling from a height will kill you. Being exposed to radiation for an extended period will kill you. Starving will kill you. Being cold will kill you.

Žaidimo instaliavimas:

1. Žaidimą paleidžiate paspaudę RUST_START.bat failą.
2. Norint prisijungti į serverį spaudžiate F1 ir rašote - net.connect [serverio pavadinimas]
(pvz. net.connect

Norint žaisti kompiuteryje turi būti instaliuotas vcredist_x86.exe ! Būtent x86 !
Atsisiuntimo nuoroda -
Info hash f036699bb11d405faaeb82eff318cb20956581ab
Skyrius Žaidimai AK
Aktyvumas Paskutinį kartą buvo dalinamas prieš 2183d 02:03:26 (2018-05-29 18:17)
Dydis 973.99 MB (1,021,304,004 baitai)
Įkeltas 2021-11-27 15:43
Žiūrėjo 19121
Pasiėmė 3491
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  Skyrius Pavadinimas Dydis D|S
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Rojakass  0
KomentarasParašyta 2014-04-03 17:09

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Jei kam reikia Rust'o Paziurekit si guide :-D
TheVilius  0
KomentarasParašyta 2014-05-31 15:58

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Ar yra Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 ant win8? Ieškojau, bet neradau.. :-/
MoNsTeR1  0
KomentarasParašyta 2016-04-09 11:45

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