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Siurbti Autocad 2016 / Windows 7,8,10 64 bit. (2016) Grafika


Siurbti Atsisiųsti suarchyvuotą į gzip

Skyrius: Programos AK
Dydis: 2.16 GB (2,316,159,304 baitai)
Įkeltas: 2021-11-27 15:43
Atsisiuntė: 54 (0 dalina, 0 siurbia = 0 susijungę)
  • Įvertinimas - 0, balsavo 0 (reikalingi bent 1 balsai)
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Autocad 2016

Žanras: Grafika
Metai: 2016
Operacinė sistema: Windows 7,8,10 64 bit.

Developer: Autodesk
Kalba: EN

Aprašymas: Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2016 software connects your design workflow like never before. New design feed social collaboration tools drive project stakeholder involvement. Dozens of time-saving enhancements speed your everyday workflow. And with live maps and powerful new reality-capture capabilities, AutoCAD connects your design ideas to the world around you. AutoCAD is the world leader in solutions for 2D-and 3D-design. As more graphic, 3D modeling to accelerate the design work and documentation, share models and develop new ideas. For thousands of AutoCAD available add-ins that can satisfy the needs of a wide range of clients. It's time to design a new way - while AutoCAD. AutoCAD 2016 allows you to solve the most complex design problems. Means of creating arbitrary shapes modeled by a variety of body and surface design verification time is greatly reduced; parametric drawings help to keep on hand all the necessary information. Project ideas can be visualized in PDF, as well as in the mock exercise, obtained by 3D printing. Still no idea when not turned into reality so quickly. AutoCAD CAD software takes design further Design and shape the world around you with the powerful, connected design tools in Autodesk® AutoCAD® software. Create stunning 3D designs, speed documentation, and connect with the cloud to collaborate on designs and access them from your mobile device.
Pastabos: Instaliavus programą panaudoti KeyGen iš archyvo

Reikalavimai sistemai: Windows 8 Standard, Enterprise, or Professional edition, Windows 7 Enterprise, Ultimate, Professional, or Home Premium edition (compare Windows versions), or Windows XP Professional (SP2 or later) Athlon 64 with SSE2 technology, AMD Opteron ™ processor with SSE2 technology, Intel ® Xeon ® processor with Intel EM64T support and SSE2 technology, or Pentium 4 with Intel EM64T support and SSE2 technology 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended) 6 GB free space for installation 1,024 x 768 display resolution with true color (1,600 x 1,050 recommended) Internet Explorer 7 or later

Diskusija forume:
Info hash c5b4879deb0deca269e0c2e96b4d97ffeb43dcd5
Skyrius Programos AK
Aktyvumas Paskutinį kartą buvo dalinamas prieš 546d 02:34:48 (2023-01-28 08:19)
Dydis 2.16 GB (2,316,159,304 baitai)
Įkeltas 2021-11-27 15:43
Žiūrėjo 6167
Pasiėmė 2119
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  Skyrius Pavadinimas Dydis D|S
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KomentarasParašyta 2019-07-25 20:25

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