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You want to download film, but don't understand meaning of words CAMRip, TS, TC, DVDScr in torrent description?

You want to download film, but don't understand meaning of words CAMRip, TS, TC, DVDScr in torrent description?
Video was recorded using usual camera (CAM) from the screnn in cinema. Image quality varies from normal to good (audience heads and their moves can be seen sometimes). Audio quality varies too (laugh, voices, etc may be heard).
CAMRip sample can be found here.

A telesync is a video copy of the movie which was shot in a cinema, often with a professional camera on a tripod in the projection booth, with a direct connection to the sound source (often FM audio provided for the hearing-impaired, or from a drive-in theatre). A telesync is a special type of cam that has the potential of better-quality audio and video. If the telesync is shot from within the projection booth there will be no keystone distortion (there will be keystone correction) of the video.
TS sample can be found here.

Video was recorded directly from projector, using its audio- and video outputs. Image and Audio quality are great. These releases are rare, but quality can even supersede DVD R5.
TC sample can be foune here.

Source is professional videocassette, which was sent to press. Quality is comparable to very good VHS. Audio quality - good (stereo or Dolby Surround). By quality it stands on second place.

Like Scr, except that source is DVD.
DVDScr sample can be found here.

Source is licensed DVD from 5th zone (Russia). For many reasons, quality of DVDRip R5 is lower, than usual DVDRip, and is more like high-quality TC.
DVDRip R5 sample can be found here.

Source is DVD. Image and audio quality are great. Appears quite late, because these DVD are released only after finishing film distribution in cinemas.
DVDRip sample can be found here.

Source is usual VHS cassette. Image and audio quality is poor
VHSRip sample can be found here.

Source is TV signal, usually cable, but can be air too. Almost all serials are usually released in this format firstly, or in SATRip.
TVRip sample can be found here

Source is satellite TV. Image and Audio quality is better, than in TVRip.
SATRip sample can be found here

Image and Audio quality are perfect. Resolution of HDTV is 1920x1080 or 1280x720, what significantly supersedes usual TV resolution (720x480 - NTSC and 720x576 - PAL). For audio track many formats of digital audio can be used, even Dolby Digital 5.1.
HDTVRip sample can be found here.

They present a special interest for genuine movie experts, being preliminary film versions. Usually WORKPRINT are distributed on Video-CD disks noticable before the premier. Quality may vary. And also this version may include scenes, that will be cut in the final variant, and, probably something will be missing. Such version can be easily recognized by timer on the top or on the bottom of the screen, which is required montage.

DivX Re-Enc
DivX Re-Enc is Video-CD, reencoded to DivX. Usually such files can be found in filesharing networks, they are released by groups SMR and TND. Such versions are not recommended to upload except their content is rare, or other format is unavalaible.

Asian Silvers/PDVD
Asian Silvers are unlegal film copies, produced in South-East Asia. They have low price and so are highly spread in many countries. Many release groups make their own releases, usually in Video-CD format, based on Asian Silvers. PDVD are produced from Asian Silver by reencoding to DVD format.

Many unlegal films in Asian Silvers/PDVD are released by one of many release groups. To single out their release from many others, releasers usually mark it with letters or small logotypes in the corner of the screen. The most famous are: 'Z' 'A' and 'Globe'.

Release of the new film is always a competition between release groups for superiority. Often lack of time during release preparation results in lowering its quality, so it may even become lower, than declared. There may be even cases, when release groups rules are broken. In such cases the rerelease of the film to correct defects becomes avalaible. Such releases are marked with tag PROPER.

LIMITED means, that this film was shown in limited number of cinemas.

Appearance of INTERNAL releases is possible in 2 cases. First case, that classical release group releases INTERNAL, to allow all members familarize themself with new release. These release have low quality and can be found only on "closed" sites, and wide distribution isn't welcome because of possibility to discredit the group as good releaser. Second case, that some release groups make INTERNAL only for their members. These releases usually have superior quality.

STRAIGHT-TO-VIDEO means, that this film had never been shown in cinemas, and it was released only in video (like DVDs and VHS), so many sites denies sharing them.



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